Since July 2014 Lummen was the operating base and the beating heart of the Flemish Handball Association.

Some 7 years later, on Friday 2 April, we said a final goodbye to the offices located on the Dr. Vanderhoeydonckstraat. The secretariat now moves a little more to the centre of the country, right on the border with Flemish Brabant, to Zelem.
Zelem is a borough of Halen, a stone’s throw from Diest. As soon as possible, the entire team will move into the new offices at 74 Dorpstraat.
As soon as it is allowed, everyone will be welcome in our new offices for VHV and KBHB matters, but until then we will continue to work by appointment and apply the usual rules of mouth masks and keeping a distance.
Vlaamse Handbalvereniging vzw (and URBH-KBHB)
Dorpsstraat 74
3545 Halen (Zelem)
☎️ 013 35 30 40